So as you can tell by the title, it's BABY HAUL TIME!!!!! But before we get to all of that here are some updates:
* We have finally decided to cloth diaper! Yes, I am beyond excited and have already ordered some for the stash. I'll do a separate post about cloth diapering and why we decided against disposables later, so for now that's all I am going to talk about on the matter.
* We are still keeping the names a secret but have decided to reveal them very soon, so stay tuned for that!
* I have officially gained 3lbs (it's a good thing, it's a good thing)...and have a bit of a bump! I'm going to do weekly measurements and will definitely include them, along with photos in my weekly bumpdates. (See what I did there? Its like updates but because I'm pregnant...bumpdates! I know super clever lol)
* We bought the crib! We bought it used for $50 and although we are going to refurbish it, its in really good shape. The seller even threw in the mattress but I don't think we are going to keep it because...yea, that's gross.
* We had an elective ultrasound today and had our first official guess on the gender! The doctor would only say he was 70% sure "the gender" but for Okinawa/off base that's not that bad this early. I'll put in a picture at the end and let y'all guess some more. (Don't you love this game?)
I guess that's it for the updates...HAUL TIME!!!!
For the past week or so we've been researching different baby items, recommended gear, etc, etc, but last night we decided to head to the lovely Kadena BX and do some shopping.
We bought some wipes (Jeremiah isn't down for cloth wipes), bottles, spoons (idk), mattress pad, washable breast pads, SUPER CUTE blanket, plain ole onesies, some socks from Carters, hats and my personal favorite - the 4 piece tiger outfit!! I absolutely love tigers so I couldn't not buy this.
Here's a list of items broken down by brand:
* 1 pack of newborn onesies ( they're so tiny!)
* 1 pack of 0-6 month hats
* 1 pack of First Essentials bottles
* 1 pack of play and sleep onesies (I swear everyone has these but they were cute and lil J is going to need some pjs)
* 1 pack of infant spoons (preparing early I guess)
* 1 pack of 0-3 months socks (3 pairs per pack)
* The most adorable 4-piece outfit set. It comes with a hat, a onesie that says "Daddy's Little Tiger" on the front, a pair of pants with tiger footies and a orange and white striped sleeper with footies.
* 1 fitted crib pad
Exchange Select (BX brand)
* 1 box of wipes. ( I forgot how many are in there but its a nice size box.)
* Breast pads (We are planning on exclusively breastfeeding
* The adorable jungle themed baby blanket. I love it!!!!
Not pictured
* 1 Fisher Price backpack (My husband doesn't like the diaper bag I picked out so he bought his own...what a diva lol) - it'll primarily be used for long, all day trips out in town/when we fly back to CA to visit family.
Although it wasn't a huge haul I still love that we have started buying for baby and I just have to mention how much I love my husband for being so engaged and hands on. He is going to be an amazing father and that alone makes me even more excited for September to get here.
That's all for today but more posts are coming your way very soon
See ya!
<3 Tiffe