Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Bumpdate: 28 & 29 Weeks

(Sorry this is so late!! Blame Typhoon Neoguri)
Hey y'all! And a big HELLO to my 3rd trimester! It's time for another bumpdate, and I know you've all been waiting oh' so patiently, so let's not waste another minute.

Quick Stats (28 weeks)

Love this dress!
     We are on the 12-week countdown!!! Can you believe it?!?! At 28 weeks, I weigh 131.4lbs -- does it look like it? After my first few appointments where the doctor "expressed concern" about my lack of weight gain, I knew most of the weight was going to come during the later half of my pregnancy. I'm not trippin, but hopefully I can keep it under control because I have a ton of runs (5ks and 10ks) planned for after baby. This past week I had my first check-up at the Naval Hospital (so fancy) and I think it went pretty well. I really liked the doctor I saw but she's actually due to have her own baby on Monday so I decided to see LCDR Glanton (I've heard tons of great things about her) for my 32 week appt. 
     As customary for most 28 weekers, I had to take the dreaded glucose test for gestational diabetes. Thankfully I passed, (not surprised), but they did find that my blood count was a little low (anemic) so now I'm on iron times! In Liam news, his heartbeat sounded great (at the appt) and of course, still living up to his nickname, he is so active! I'll literally sit and stare at my belly trying to figure out what he is doing. Jeremiah thinks he is doing my signature 'hands in the air' dance! Sometimes his squirms and jabs can get a little annoying (especially when I'm trying to sleep) but I love them regardless. I think I even felt a couple hiccups one time!
      I haven't had an ultrasound since 20 weeks and we don't really know if we want to get 3d/4ds done.

(29 weeks & 3 days)
     Not a whole lot has changed since last week, unfortunately I don't have a picture for you because Okinawa just got slammed by Typhoon Neoguri. Long story short, there was a ton of rain, lots of wind, thunder, lightening, flash floods, property damage (not our property) and we lost power for 16 hours -- yea it sucked. Being 7.5 months pregnant alone during a typhoon, with no electricity (no lights, n AC, no fridge and no stupid electric range stove) isn't the most ideal of situations but per my husband's duties it's something I just had to handle. Personally, I think I did pretty damn well but obviously I'm not signing up to be on permanent solo typhoon duty lol. However it's always a possibility and I know I'm strong enough to make it. If there are any other military spouses who are reading this I'm sure you can all relate on some degree, because whether or not you want to admit it - we did kind of sign up for this (or at least the possibility) when we said "I do". Anywho that's pretty much all of I got for 29 weeks :D

Baby Buys

    Still going strong on my no buy! Well, I did buy some Green Mountain newborn prefolds from a lady on base (she opted to use AIOs for the newborn stage) -- and I ordered some detergent off of Amazon (Nellie's NLS Natural Laundry Soda). I don't really count that as a buy though because I literally had no choice. Unfortunately, the BX and Commissary don't stock cloth diaper friendly detergents and of course, we want everything to be nice, prepped and ready before his arrival, so my hands were tied. I also bought some new decor for the nursery but we'll chat more about that in the Operation Nursery. 
   We have recently started receiving a few gifts from our registry (I haven't opened them) and I really just want to take this time to say Thank You to everyone who is helping us bless Liam. It really warms my heart to know that so many people - family and friends, are excited about and looking forward to his arrival. We tell him all the time that he has no idea how much love his coming into and it's just a really nice feeling; so again a huge Thank You to everyone. If you still need our registry information I'll post it below :D
Target Registry (if you want to shop on the ground, just search for our registry under our name: Tiffany  or Jeremiah Dobson and location: APO, AP)

Don't Forget About Mama

     Eh, I'm good lol. Just your average stress, anxiety and bouts of fear. Actually, the stress, anxiety and bouts of fear have been getting the best of me and I really wish I could get a grip. I guess being a FTM it's natural to have a lot of emotions about being pregnant, labor, childbirth and ultimately being a mother but for someone who is already pretty high strung...UGH!!!

Operation Nursery

    I'll just leave these here <3

Obvi there's more to come but you've got to stick around to see the rest. 


    Thank God we survived the typhoon!!!!!

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