Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's About Time for Tiny's Baby Bump

Hey y'all!!!!!

      Sorry I've been gone for so long, the quarter is winding down and school is getting a little nuts. Are you ready for my big news? I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!! My heart still skips a beat when I say it out loud. These past 10 weeks (5.5 weeks since our BFP) have been a whirlwind of craziness, but I love it! We found out on January 17th, 2014 at like 6:30 in the morning, but honestly, I had a feeling about a week prior. I remember telling Jeremiah that I thought I was pregnant and that I should take a test on next Friday (the 17th), he cracked the slightest smile and nodded his head okay. Looking back on it, I think he had a feeling too. Anywho, it's the morning of the 17th and I have to pee, I was so nervous I decided to hold it because I wasn't ready to find out (we'd been trying for about 9 months at this point and I wasn't ready for another BFN). Eventually I get up and do the do but I was still super nervous so I made Jeremiah get out of bed and look at it first. "Babe, I think it's positive", I want to cry just thinking about it and when I actually saw it...words can't explain my level of happiness. I wanted to see it for myself, so I immediately grabbed the second test from the box and within seconds I saw the little plus sign I had been dreaming about for months.

      Fast forward to now, we are 10wks and 3 days. Our first ultrasound was last Thursday and it was beautiful. I didn't cry like I thought I would but once I got home and watched the video of the heartbeat everything hit me and I couldn't help but shed a few tears of joy because of the little life inside of me. The midwife didn't tell me what the heart rate was but I knew it was strong and full of promise. Our next appointment (12 weeks) is next Thursday so I'm sure we'll get some more information and hopefully we'll get to hear to the heartbeat again (I highly doubt we will get another ultrasound, but the OB should use a fetal Doppler).

     I'll leave some stats from my first 10 weeks below, but that's about it for right now. I'll try and remember to update at least once a week but please don't hate me if I forget.

Due Date:

  • September 21st, 2014


  • Occasional fatigue and morning sickness but nothing too debilitating. 
  • Definite heartburn, and 
  • Jeremiah says I've been super moody :\
  • I'm not showing yet but I can feel my stomach getting tighter, especially at night so it's pretty much any day now! 

Looking forward to:

  • PLANNING!!! I am such a planner and I can't wait to start planning my baby shower, the nursery, ugh just everything. 
Not looking forward to:

  • Doing all of this while we PCS, but tis life. 

See ya soon!
<3 Tiffe


  1. How precious Tiff! So glad you are sharing your special moment(s) can't help but get pumped for you and my brother. What an exciting time! Looking forward to your blog. Love Mo

  2. Im so happy for you Tiny for you and Jeremiah. Cuz I already know you guys are going to be great parents. I love you guys and let's hope if you have a boy he is taller than 5 feet lol

    1. Thanks Meatball! And girl yes!!!! Please be at least average height lol
